Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Compound interest introduction

    • The Rule of 72

    • Rule of 72 Check

  2. 2
    • Introduction to interest

    • Interest (part 2)

  3. 3
    • Annual percentage rate (APR) and effective APR

    • Institutional roles in issuing and processing credit cards

    • Payday loans

  4. 4
    • 𝑒 and compound interest

    • 𝑒 as a limit

    • Formula for continuously compounding interest

  5. 5
    • Time value of money

    • Introduction to present value

    • Present value 2

    • Present value 3

    • Present value 4 (and discounted cash flow)

  6. 6
    • Personal bankruptcy: Chapters 7 and 13

  7. 7
    • Inflation overview

    • What is inflation

    • Inflation data

    • CPI index

    • Want to learn more about Inflation?

  8. 8
    • Basics of US income tax rate schedule

    • Tax deductions introduction

    • AMT overview

    • Estate tax introduction

    • Tax brackets and progressive taxation

    • Calculating state taxes and take home pay

    • Corp. Taxation: Corporations and limited liability

    • Corp. Taxation: Is limited liability or double taxation fair?

    • Transfer pricing and tax havens

  9. 9
    • What it means to buy a company's stock

    • Bonds vs. stocks

    • Want to learn more about Stocks and Bonds?

  10. 10
    • Open-ended mutual fund (part 1)

    • Open-end mutual fund redemptions (part 2)

    • Closed-end mutual funds

    • Exchange traded funds (ETFs)

    • Ponzi schemes

  11. 11
    • Traditional IRAs

    • Roth IRAs

    • 401(k)s

  12. 12
    • Risk and reward introduction

    • Human capital

    • Return on capital

    • Investment vs. consumption 1

    • Investment vs. consumption 2

    • Wealth destruction 1

    • Wealth destruction 2

  13. 13
    • Life Insurance 101

    • Term life insurance and death probability

    • What is Universal Life Insurance?

    • Understanding Index Universal Life Insurance (IUL)